Tree Tops School


Tree Tops School



Discover Tree Tops School: Nurturing Young Minds Since 1932
Tree Tops School


Pre-Primary & Grade R

The Pre-primary programme at Tree Tops is based on an ‘integrated day approach’, whereby children work and play in both smaller age-based classes or groups and in larger open-plan whole-school environments at different times of the morning.

Tree Tops School

Enquiries/Private Tour

Book your walkabout and visit us in person

+27 (31) 202 1112

Tree Tops School


Junior Primary

Tree Tops extended into the Junior Primary phase in 2004 and offers complete Foundation Phase education: Grade R to Grade 3.

Pre-Primary & Grade R

Tree Tops School

2 – 3 year olds

Tree Tops School

3 – 4 year olds

Tree Tops School

4 – 5 year olds

Tree Tops School

5 – 6 year olds

Tree Tops School

Grade 1

Tree Tops School

Grade 2

Tree Tops School

Grade 3

Tree Tops School


‘a village school in the city’

Tree Tops School

‘As the bough is bent – so grows the tree’


Kay Ennis

“My eldest daughter Dianne Ennis now Stewart spent 3 most beneficial years at Treetops Silverton Rd – 1963 – 1965 💝. Joyce Broadhead was the Principal.  We had to apply at birth! Girls went on to DGC generally. They wore wonderful play suits uniform sun hat and brown Tree Tops Sandals from Cuthbert’s Shoes.”
Kay Ennis – January 2021

Philippa Savage

“As my son, Jake Savage, embarks on his final year of schooling, I still look back to his years at Tree Tops (he was there until Gr 3) and know that they gave him the best foundation for his education and future. The values and work ethics that were instilled in him, still shine through. The friends he made at Tree Tops are still some of his best friends today. Tree Tops gives our kids the confidence the wings to fly and fly they do!”
Philippa Savage – January 2024

Jo-Ann Sayers

My daughter began at Treetops at the Bellevue Campus and we have had the most excellent experience at the school. The teachers are phenomenal and the school has truly given my child a great educational foundation. My child has come out more confident, considerate and has been extremely happy at the school.

I appreciated that the school did not focus on competitiveness but rather on making every child feel special.

When my husband passed, the school became a great strength to us and it was wonderful to be greeted every morning by warm friendly faces who just made you feel like your child was in good hands.

Upon applying to my daughter’s current school, I immediately saw how advanced the learning at Treetops was, how reasonable the school fees at Treetops is and how much these schools loved taking on kids from Treetops.

The experiences at Treetops have been life changing for both my child and I and I truly wish that she could have remained at the school until matric!

Jo-Ann Sayers

The Seethal Family

Tree Tops… Where do you start? With the exceptionally kind & compassionate teachers, who with their wealth of experience know exactly how to help each child adjust as they begin their schooling journey? Or the helpful, friendly support staff who work happily & tirelessly in the background to go the extra mile and ensure our children are comfortable and well taken care of? Or maybe the thoughtful and engaging lessons that teach through fun & imagination? What about the lessons that go beyond the basics… Eco Ranges, D&T, Art, Speech & Drama… that broaden our little one’s minds and teach them about the wonders of nature & themselves? And then there are the spectacular extras of Dance-a-Thon, Mini Walk and Art Evening that excite both kids & parents alike! And let’s not forget about the compassion & kindness taught by example through their many charity endeavors.

In short… Tree Tops encourages kids to be kids. To learn barefooted, hands-on and carefree, while providing a safe, nurturing & homely space in which to do so.

Tree Tops… our happy place!

The Seethal Family

Contact Us

Bellevue Campus
37 Bellevue Rd, Musgrave, Durban, 4001
Tel: +27 (31) 202 1112
Thula Ncube

Silverton Campus
74 Silverton Rd, Musgrave, Durban,
Tel: +27 (31) 201 7305
Corinne Voormolen

Windmill Campus
63 Windmill Rd, Musgrave, Durban, 4001
Tel: +27 (31) 031 201 3188
Sue Pretorius

Marketing and Fund Raising: +27 83 775 7305
Kashmita Patel